Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Final Fantasy

Weapons and armor... check.

Materia... check.

Potions, hi-potions, x-potions... check.

Phoenix downs... check.

All systems go.

I ask Cloud to swing his Buster Sword and attack the hulking form of a behemoth with his deathblow, Omnislash. With the final blow, Tifa summons the fiery Ifrit bringing down the punishment of Hellfire! And Cid finished off the enemy with a well timed, Ultima... XP all around... ooooh! Gold! and a few potions to add to my already huge inventory.

I'd like to salute Squaresoft in their faith in the Final Fantasy series which started way back 1987. Imagine? 21 years of ogre-bashing, bomb-blasting and treasure hunting in their breast pockets.

The series already has 7 Guiness records, 2 full-length CGI films, 3 animated series, and more than 20 game titles under its franchise.

Many people take the Final Fantasy series for granted, but once you do try to get immersed in one of the non-related episodes, you'll learn to love each of the colorful characters, the coolness of the scenes, graphics, and the awe of seeing your characters raise up tidal waves and summoning 12 gigantic knights to attack your enemies. The games are not exempt from flaws, but more than often, you still get to love each one of them.

But honestly, it's not just the graphics, the soundtrack, or the gameplay that make or break the game. It's really the story-line. And this is where the series gets its biggest appeal. Playing throught the games makes you feel like you're part of a movie. The plots are deep. They're engaging and never fail to be climactic.

Beyond this, the FF series draws its audience into a world where one can escape from the usual hustle and bustle of real life. A world where everyone can be a hero. Where anyone can be a prince or a princess. Where anyone can have the fate of worlds on their shoulders. Where everyone is important.

Relax, play, escape.

1 comment:

Leslie Ann said...

weee! i can relate...wish i had more time for online gaming, though.